Monday, August 13, 2007

our new pet

Well, so far Ryan has caught a cricket, a lightening bug, and a caterpillar this summer to be his pet....his best friends. The cricket got dumped in the car (he may still be there, eating cold french fries that fell under the car seat...), the lightening bug died in a tragic container lid incident, and the caterpillar is petrified in the jar it came home hopes that it's just "hibernating." I know, it's disgusting, I plan on throwing it away when he stops checking on it.... SO, FINALLY, we gave in and got him a real pet. We are allergic to everything in this house, so we settled on a hamster. Of course Ryan got the one with the beady red eyes....the only one we weren't excited about....but it seems to be working out well. It doesn't make much of a mess, stays to itself, climbs around and nibbles on their hands when we let it make an appearance. I put it in the ball tonight when Erik brought the kids to practice in hopes that it could roll around a little bit in peace. BUT ALAS, it tried to make a break for it! I went to get the camera and the ball was on the floor, with the lid 10 inches away, and Buzz (or Dash, or Buddy, or whatever it's name is) was trying to crawl under the closet door in the foyer! That was a CLOSE call! Ryan would have never forgiven me! Anyway, here is the picture you have all been waiting for....

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