Thursday, August 2, 2007

yet another accident... I am not exactly sure how this happened. I was in the bathroom at the time. Livy came running into the bathroom with her nose bleeding saying she hit the couch....hard. Apparently they were playing the age old, "Monster under the rubbermaid tote." You know the one. Ryan hides under the empty rubbermaid tote, Olivia sits on top, Ryan rises up, she slides off..... They used to play it all the time (it's on hiatis after this recent incident). Anywhoo....Apparently Olivia did a nose plant into the arm of the couch. I tossed around bringing her to the ER.....AGAIN. But, in the last 3 1/2 years of her exsistance she has had her head glued together once (fell off a chair in the kitchen and cracked it on the leg of the chair), her face next to her eye stitched together once (fell off the bed at nana's house), lost a couple of fingernails (doors, enough said), stuck a chewable claritin into her nose to dissolve (that was a fun day! You should have seen the moms at the ball park looking at my kid with the purple goo dissolving out of her nose. She might as well had leprosy, like it's never happened to them or something, lol)....and my mom wisely noted that at some point the hospitals will have to call the authorities, lol. In my defense, I have 3 other children that have never had wounds that required medical attention....but OLIVIA! OMG! She is just an accident waiting to happen. I don't know if it's cause she's a tomboy roughneck that likes to keep up with her brother, or naiive about cause and effect, or just plain clumsy--but it has become I real challenge to just get her to adulthood without any major scarring!

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