Sunday, April 6, 2008


We went to church at St. Jude today. It was cute. Olivia was watching the priest up from prepare the communion. Breaking the bread, pouring the wine. She looked at me with her eyes all big, “I’m gonna eat THAT!” You can imagine how devestated she was when she got in line (for what she thought was “snack time”), crossed her arms, went to the front of the church, and THEN, instead of giving her a cracker and drink, he had the NERVE to BLESS her. She instantly fell into a gooey pile of snot and tears, right there in front of the whole congregation.

And, if that didn’t draw enough attention….her, Ryan, and Bekah cried even louder when we went to leave and I wouldn’t give them change to throw into the Holy Water font and make a wish! I think we need to start bringing them to church more often, and feed them breakfast first!

church, olivia

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